Anne’s poetry collection, Steady, is now available from Dos Madres Press. Order the book here or here.
Anne’s poetry collection, Outside from the Inside, is now available from Dos Madres Press. Order the book here or here.
Anne’s poetry collection, Meteor Shower, is now available from Dos Madres Press. Order the book here or here.
Anne’s poetry collection, The Refrain, is available from Dos Madres Press. Order the book here or here.
Anne Whitehouse’s poetry collection Blessings and Curses is
available from Poetic Matrix Press. Order
the book here.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook, Adrienne Fidelin Restored, is available from Ethelzine.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook, Being Ruth Asawa, is available from Ethelzine.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook, Frida, is available from Ethelzine.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook, Escaping Lee Miller, is available from Ethelzine.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook, Surrealist Muse, is available from Ethelzine.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook, One Sunday Morning, is available from Finishing
Line Press.
Anne Whitehouse’s chapbook Bear in Mind is available from Finishing Line Press.
Blessing X has been nominated for the Best
of the Net 2010 (Sundress Publications) by the publisher, Blue Fifth Review
guest blogs at Editions Bibliotekos.
Anne guest blogs on Poetica
Genesis of Blessings and Curses, 1/18/2010.
I Came to Write CURSE XXII (“On September 1, 1939...”)
and Not Knowing 2/28/2010.
the Dream, 4/4/2010.
for Others, 8/15/2010.
Anne’s poem, “June 8, 2004,” was featured on Miriam’s Well blog
Practicing Writer blog features Curse IX (“He was
not good or kind...”) December 17, 2009.
Reviews of Steady:
Nancy Owen Nelson reviews Steady in Alabama Writers Forum, January 2024.
Eric Jennings reviews Steady in Exist Otherwise, November 2023.
Tiffany M. Storrs reviews Steady in Roi Fainéant, November 2023.
Andrew Taylor-Troutman reviews Steady in Ebibliotekos, September 2023.
Reviews of Surrealist Muse, Escaping Lee Miller, and Frida:
Alan Steinfeld reviews Surrealist Muse, Escaping Lee Miller, and Frida in American Book Review, Vol. 45, no 1, Spring 2024.
Laura Salvatore reviews Surrealist Muse and Escaping Lee Miller in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters, January 2022.
Reviews of Outside from the Inside:
Foster Dickson reviews Outside from the Inside in Alabama Writers Forum, Summer 2023.
Hilary Sideris reviews Outside from the Inside in the American Book Review, Vol 43, no. 3. Fall 2022
Diane Kendig reviews Outside from the Inside in Charge Magazine, April 2021.
Nancy Ludmerer reviews Outside from the Inside in Streetlight, December 2020.
Laura Salvatore reviews Outside from the Inside in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters, December 2020.
Evan Nicholls reviews Outside from the Inside in Ebibliotekos, October 2020.
Reviews of Meteor Shower:
John Vanderslice reviews Meteor Shower in the Alabama Writers Forum, August 14, 2017.
Ian Maloney reviews Meteor Shower in Ebibliotekos, March 2017.
Laysha Duran reviews Meteor Shower in Manhattan with a Twist, February 2017.
Ilka Scobie reviews Meteor Shower in American Book Review, vol. 38, no.1, Nov/Dec 2016, pp.28-29.
Sarah Page reviews Meteor Shower in Young Ravens Literary Review, November 2016.
J.K. Shawhan reviews Meteor Shower in The Basil O'Flaherty, November 2016.
Shawn Aveningo Sanders reviews Meteor Shower in The Poetry Box.
John Vanderslice reviews Meteor Shower.
Bearings Online of Collegeville Institute publicizes Meteor Shower, May 2018
Reviews of The Refrain:
Karla Linn Merrifield reviews The Refrain in The Centrifugal Eye, Autumn 2013, p.50.
Josh Hess reviews The Refrain in Decades Review
Gently Read Literature, Spring 2013.
Alabama Writers Forum, March 2013.
The Linnet’s Wings, Spring 2013, pp.37-38.
Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene, January 1, 2013.
Ron Gaskill reviews The Refrain in Jerseyworks, Spring 2013.
Reviews of One Sunday Morning:
John Vanderslice reviews One Sunday Morning, January 2013.
Alabama Writers Forum, May 2012.
The Write Place at the Write Time, April 2012, p. 8
Editions Bibliotekos February, 2012, p. 14
Ron Gaskill reviews Blessings and Curses, Bear in Mind, and One Sunday Morning in Jerseyworks, Spring 2012.
Reviews of Blessings and Curses:
Zoamorphosis. March 2010.
21. Jan. 10, 2011
John Vanderslice reviews Blessings and
Curses in Santa
Fe Writers Project Journal. December 10, 2009. “It is rare
to find a volume of poetry that stares so directly and honestly at life
as does Anne Whitehouse’s
new collection, Blessings and Curses. As the title suggests, Whitehouse
intent is to encompass both the broadest and meanest aspects of human existence
as they are revealed to her in the ordinary unfolding of her days...” more...
Read Literature. March 2010
Writers Forum. January 2010
Broad Set Writing Collective. December 7, 2009.
Pedestal Magazine. Issue 56, February 21-April 21, 2010.
on the Kudzu. June 6, 2010.
FutureCycle. Summer 2010.
Reviews of Blessings and Curses and Bear in
Literary Magazine. November 2010.
Reviews of Bear in Mind:
Alabama Writers Forum, September 2011.
Poems in Anne Whitehouse's first collection, published under her maiden name Anne Cherner, received the Mademoiselle poetry prize, the Joan Gray Untermeyer Poetry Award from Radcliffe College, and the Hackney Literary Award from Birmingham-Southern College.
"Anne Cherner [Whitehouse]'s poems combine the metaphysical with a vivid visual sense...The beauty and control of these poems are unusual in a poet still under thirty."
[Source: Radcliffe Quarterly, December, 1982.]
Anne Whitehouse reads from her poetry collection Bear
in Mind
Everything Goes, WNYE 91.5 FM
Anne Whitehouse reads from her poetry collection Blessings and Curses
Everything Goes, WNYE 91.5 FM
Dimitri’s Barber Shop. Love Poems.
David Pring-Mill, ed. Bronze Bird Books, September 2024.
Desecration. The Climate Change Chronicles.
David Pring-Mill, ed. Bronze Bird Books, September 2024. Lightning Strike, Meteor Shower, Dancing in Water, One Summer Day on the Number One Train, The E-E-E-E-E-E, and Mothers of Suicides. The Very Edge.
Flying Ketchup Press, 2020. Purchase the book here.
One Summer Day on the Number One Train, My Cuba, Blessing XXVII. The Dreamers Anthology.
Janette Schafer, ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Beautiful Cadaver Project, 2019.
Blessing XXIV. Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California. Edited by Lucy Day and Ruth Nolan. Scarlet Tanager Books. 2018.
The Sensitive Muscle, Tides of the Body, Heart Beat. Oasis Journal 2017, Leila Joiner, ed. Tucson, AZ: Imago Press.
Preserves. Rasputin: A Poetry Thread Anthology, Joseph Victor Milford, ed. 2017.
To Live Like a Tree Alone and Free in a Forest of Brotherhood. Seventh Annual Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival.
Cary, NC, 2015.
Life’s Continuous Chain, Dust Motes, Fire and Ice, In Old England. Switch (the Difference). Kind of a Hurricane Press, 2015. pp. 190-195.
Smoke and Fog. The Best of Vine Leaves Literary Journal 2014.
Scenes from California, A Girl Who Fell in Love With an Island, Songs for the End of August. Of Sun and Sand. Kind of a Hurricane Press. 2013.
Blessing III, Blessing XXXVI, Desecration will be appearing in Gulf Stream: Poems of the Gulf Coast
After the Performance was published in The Best of the Vine Leaves Literary Journal 2012.
At the Winter Solstice. Love Notes, Vagabondage Press, 2012.
Blessing XXII. Liberty’s Vigil: The Occupy Anthology: 99 Poets from the 99% to be published Jan. 2012. Read about Liberty’s Vigil in 1000 Poets for Change and The Literary Underground.
Mother and Child and Claire in a Swing, Because I Said So, Aortic Press, 2011
Blessing XIV, Butterfly Away, Magnapoets
Anthology Series 3. Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada, 2011.
Blessing XXXVI. Many Windows. Magnapoets Anthology Series
4. Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada, 2011.
Anne Whitehouse is featured on Ploughshares.
The Surveyor's Hand is now out of print; a few copies are still available at A Libris.
Anne Whitehouse is featured at poetry@harvard
Anne Whitehouse is featured at Contemporary Alabama Authors Directory
Anne Whitehouse is listed with Poets & Writers
Click here for a bibliography of all Anne Whitehouse poems.


Outside from the Inside

Meteor Shower

The Refrain
Blessings and Curses

Adrienne Fidelin Restored

Being Ruth Asawa


Escaping Lee Miller
Surrealist Muse

One Sunday Morning

Bear in Mind
The Surveyor's Hand
Read poems by Anne Whitehouse:
Verse-Virtual. February 2025. All for Love, In Old England.
First Literary Review East. January 2025. Snowdrops. [last poem]
Exist Otherwise. Issue 13. January 2025. Flaco.
The Sandy River Review. December 2, 2024. Cleopatra at Mersa Matruh, Herod’s Curse.
Verse-Virtual. November 2024. The Composer, The Paleoanthropologist.
Roi Fainéant. October 2024. The Choreographer.
In Parentheses. October 2024. The Choreographer.
(pw: AUTUMN)
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 20, Summer 2024. After the Performance, Blessing XIV, Twin Dancers.
Verse-Virtual. August 2024. Luminescence, Preserves.
In Parentheses. Vol. 8, Issue 3. Spring 2024. Flaco.
Tipton Poetry Journal. Issue 60. Spring 2024. Les Fleurs du Mal.
Journal of Expressive Writing. April 12, 2024. The Composer.
Verse-Virtual. April 2024. Smoke and Fog.
Literary Veganism. March 24, 2024. Flaco.
The Parliament Literary Journal. Secrets: Winter 2024. Cadaver Study.
The Courtship of Winds. Winter 2024. The Professor’s Necktie, Lady Bird.
In Parenthesis. Issue 2, Volume 8, Winter 2024. The Making of a Naturalist, The Composer.
(pw: WELCOME) Verse-Virtual. January 2024. Herod’s Curse.
October Hill Magazine. Vol, 7, Issue 4, Winter 2023. The Making of a Naturalist.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 19. Winter 2023. Steady; Meditation at North Beach Park, Burlington.
Moonbow Magazine. Issue 2, Scintilla. December 2023. Dancing in Water, The Raccoon, The Decisive Moment, Meteor Shower, and Late Summer, Block Island.
Sandy River Review. Dec. 11, 2023. Burnt Statues.
Ginosko Literary Journal. Vol. 30, 2023. Cadaver Study.
p.35. Verse-Virtual. September 2023. New Orleans. The Eye that Cries.
October Hill Magazine. Vol. 7, no. 2, Summer 2023. Puffed Up. p.88.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 18, Summer 2023. Blue.
Months to Years. Summer 2023. Smuggled Images.
In Parentheses. June 11, 2023. Burnt Statues. In Tandem.
Verse-Virtual. June 2023. Age and Youth, Meditations in June, After the Accident.
Roi Fainéant. June 2023. Puffed Up; In Tandem; Meditation at North Beach Park, Burlington.
Exist Otherwise. Issue 5, May 2023. Poisons and Medicines. Puffed Up.
Masque and Spectacle. May 2023. Marie Kondo.
The Typescript. May 5, 2023. Heart Beat, Tides of the Body.
October Hill Magazine. Vol. 7, no. 1, Spring 2023. In Tandem. p.69.
Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts. Issue 6. Spring 2023. Late Summer, Block Island. p.184
Journal of Expressive Writing.March 11, 2023. Blue.
One Art: A Journal of Poetry. March 3, 2023. Steady.
Verse-Virtual. March 2023. Contraries. Fences Around the Torah.
O:JA&L: Open: Journal of Arts and Letters. Feb. 15, 2023. Being Ruth Asawa and Ruth and Imogen. Download the Buttonhook Press Chapbook here.
O:JA&L: Open: Journal of Arts and Letters. Feb. 13, 2023. Lady Bird.
Literary Veganism. December 13, 2022. 123 Home Free, Pond Lives.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 17. Winter 2022. Mother and Child.
Roi Fainéant. December 2022. White Lilies.
White Enso. Issue 6, December 2022. Being Ruth Asawa.
Verse-Virtual. December 2022. The Professor’s Necktie.
Hawaii Pacific Review. 10/24/22. Late Summer, Block Island.
The Good Life Review. Fall 2022. Yahrzeit. Meditation at North Beach Park, Burlington.
The Green Silk Journal. Fall 2022. Bridge over the Nosterkill.
3rd poem. October Hill Magazine. vol. 6, Issue 3. Fall 2022. Meditation at North Beach Park, Burlington; Late Summer, Block Island. pp.74-75.
Tipton Poetry Journal. Issue 53. Summer 2022. Smuggled Images. pp.40-41.
Poetry Pacific. Vol. 11, May 2022. Off the Grid. Available from Amazon on Kindle or Paperback.
Roi Fainéant. July 2022. Smuggled Images.
Amethyst. July 9, 2022. Ruth and Imogen: Poetry for Ruth Asawa.
Zingara Poets. July 6, 2022. Blue.
Shark Reef. Issue 40. Summer 2022. Bernadette.
One Art: A Journal of Poetry. July 5, 2022. Yahrzeit.
Young Ravens Literary Review.Issue 16. Summer 2022. Bad Witch/Good Witch, Lost and Found, Dancing in Water.
Verse-Virtual. July 2022. Navajo Race in the Canyon de Chelly; Farewell, My Homeland.
Amethyst. June 18, 2022. Being Ruth Asawa.
Reformed Journal. June 7, 2022. The Essence of Trees, Twilight.
Cumberland River Review. Issue 11-2. Spring 2022. Snowdrops.
Verse-Virtual. vol. 9, no. 5. May 2022. Curse VII, Curse XXII.
Roanoke Rambler. May 3, 2022. Smuggled Images.
Aquifer: The Florida Review Online. April 2022. Poisons and Medicines.
Verse-Virtual. vol. 9, no. 3. March 2022. Blessing V, Nourishment.
Journal of Expressive Writing. Feb. 2, 2022. My Parents’ Yahrzeit.
Tipton Poetry Journal. Issue 51, Winter 2022. Days of 1978. p. 7.
Evocations: A Literary and Arts Review. Winter 2022. Days of 1978.
Feminine Collective. January 29, 2022. Frida.
One Art: A Journal of Poetry. January 27, 2022. Smuggled Images.
Roanoke Rambler. January 19, 2022. Dante’s Tombs.
O:JA&L: Open: Journal of Arts and Letters. January 11, 2022. Auden’s Bookcase.
O:JA&L: Open: Journal of Arts and Letters. January 10, 2022. Dante’s Tombs.
Amethyst. January 10, 2022. From the Life of Iris Origo.
Verse-Virtual. January 2022. Off the Grid.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 15. Winter 2021. Bridge over the Nosterkill. Late Summer, Block Island.
Shark Reef. Issue 39. Winter 2022. Yahrzeit.
Amethyst. December 18, 2021. At the Poet’s Last Reading.
Oddball Magazine. December 1, 2021. At the Poet’s Last Reading.
Verse-Virtual. November 2021. Bridge Over the Nosterkill, Dante’s Tombs.
Discretionary Love. October 24, 2021. Late Summer, Block Island.
The Green Silk Journal. October 2021. Late Summer, Block Island.
Tipton Poetry Journal. Issue 49, Summer 2021. Yahrzeit.
Dappled Things. Mary, Queen of Angels 2021 Issue. New Hope Publications, New Hope Kentucky, 2021. From the Cairo Genizah. p.47.
Verse-Virtual. September 2021. Signs.
Feminine Collective. August 2021. From the Life of Iris Origo.
October Hill Magazine. Vol. 5, no. 2. At the Poet’s Last Reading. p.89.
First Literary Review East. July 2021. Morning Swim. (15th poem down)
Young Ravens Literary Review. Vol. 14. Summer 2021. Excavations, Fertile Earth.
Barzakh Magazine. Spring 2021. Poisons and Medicines.
Bearings online. April 28, 2021. Snowdrops.
Stonecrop Review. Vol. 4 Fauna. Spring 2021. Hawk Shabbat. pp.80-81.
Oddball Magazine. March 3, 2021. Livy’s Horses.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 13. Winter 2020. The Old Professor.
Assisi Journal. Fall 2020. Salt-Rising Bread, Outside from the Inside, Reading and Writing.
Hypertexts. December 2020. Indian Love Call.
Vita Brevis Literature. Aug. 25, 2020. Signs.
Mass Poetry. The Hard Work of Hope. Nov. 18, 2020. Signs.
Poetry and Places. Oct. 26, 2020. New Orleans.
Amethyst Review. Sept. 27, 2020. Surrealist Muse.
Tipton Poetry Journal. Issue 45, Summer 2020. An Exhibition.
Zingara Poetry Review. July 26, 2020. Signs.
Ethel. Vol. 5. Feb. 2020. Pauline Pfeiffer’s Folly.
The Courtship of Winds. Summer 2020. The Desire for Revenge, From the Cairo Genizah, Saratoga.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 12. Summer 2020. The Essence of Trees, Balm, A Dog’s Life.
Oddball Magazine. April 29, 2020. Signs.
The Decameron: Stories from the Pandemic. April 23, 2020. Signs.
Zingara Poetry Review. April 22, 2020. Balm.
First Literary Review East. March 2020. A Dog’s Life. (third poem down)
Oddball Magazine. March 4, 2020. Pauline Pfeiffer’s Folly.
Literary Vegan. Jan. 17, 2020. A Dog’s Life, Balm, Earthly Paradise, Tides of the Body, and Protest Poem.
October Hill Magazine. Jan. 2020. After Fifty Years, An American Soldier Returns to My Lai.
O:JA&L OPEN: Journal of Arts and Letters. February 2020. Pauline Pfeiffer’s Folly.
Verse-Virtual. Jan. 2020. Talmud Class, Twilight.
Zingara Poetry Review. Dec. 2019. A Dog’s Life.
Charge Magazine. Issue 3, Dec. 2019. Outside from the Inside.
Oddball Magazine. November 13, 2019. After Fifty Years, An American Soldier Returns to My Lai.
The Literary Nest.
Vol 5, Issue 3. October 15, 2019. Talmud Class.
Oddball Magazine. September 4, 2019. It Wasn’t an Hallucination.
New Texas: A Journal of Literature and Culture. August 2019. Pauline Pfeiffer’s Folly, Navajo Race in the Canyon de Chelly, Life Lessons from a Survivor, Twilight.
Portside. August 16, 2019. Outside from the Inside.
Feminine Collective. July 2019. Mother and Daughter.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Vol. 10. Summer 2019. Hawk Shabbat.
The Courtship of Winds. Summer 2019. New Orleans.
Riverbabble. Vol 35 Bloomsday 2019. Smoke and Fog, Luminescence. Amethyst. July 3, 2019. From the Cairo Genizah.
O:JA&L OPEN: Journal of Arts and Letters. May 2019. In the Necropolis.
The Westchester Review. Vol. 10, 2019. Outside from the Inside.
Canyon Voices. Arizona State University. Issue 19. Spring 2019. Outside From the Inside,
Salt-Rising Bread.
Tuck Magazine. March 7, 2019. Aftermath at the Conference, Mother and Daughter. Oddball Magazine. March 6, 2019. Koko and Robin.
Riverbabble. Vol. 34 Winter 2019. My Grandmother Listens to Paul Robeson Recite “Othello,” Koko and Robin.
Amethyst. Feb 19, 2019. Hawk Shabbat.
Nature Writing. Feb. 15, 2019. Seasons: Three Poems: A Dog’s Life, Fresh Pond, June Flowers.
Entropy. Feb. 8, 2019. The Falcon, Hawk Shabbat, Lightning Strike.
Verse-Virtual. February 2019. My Grandmother Listens to Paul Robeson Recite “Othello,” Friday Night, The Ancient World.
Tuck Magazine. Jan. 31, 2019. Protest Poem, Outside from the Inside.
Amethyst. Jan. 23, 2019. The Ancient World.
Ragazine. Jan. 1, 2019. Mother and Daughter, Protest Poem, Achalay (Rejoice) for Music is Euphoria of the Soul.
Peacock Journal. December 30, 2018. Navajo Race in the Canyon de Chelly, A Dog’s Life, Mother and Daughter, Reading and Writing, Salt-Rising Bread, Protest Poem.
Streetlight Magazine. Dec. 7, 2018. Outside from the Inside.
Leaping Clear. Fall-Winter 2018. Summer Interlude, Outside from the Inside.
Oddball Magazine. Nov. 7, 2018. Whimsical Rap.
Aura Literary Arts Review. Fall 2018/Winter 2019. Protest Poem, Reading and Writing.
Linden Avenue Literary Journal. Sept. 2018. No. 76. Dance in a Drugstore.
Bearings online. Sept. 18, 2018. The Last Swim of Summer.
Amethyst. Sept. 11, 2018. Achalay (Rejoice) for Music is Euphoria of the Soul.
Nature Writing. Aug. 13, 2018. Cloud Studies.
Amethyst. August 7, 2018. Reading and Writing.
Nature Writing. August 6, 2018. Navajo Race in the Canyon de Chelly.
Nature Writing. July 31, 2018. Salt-Rising Bread.
Verse-Virtual. August 2018. Lament.
Riverbabble. Issue 33 Bloomsday 2018. Protest Poem.
Contrary Magazine, Summer 2018. Outside from the Inside.
The Sandy River Review, June 4, 2018. Reading and Writing.
The Write Place at the Write Time. Winter/Spring 2018. Eclipse (6th poem).
Oddball Magazine April 4, 2018. Eclipse. Zingara Poet April 3, 2018. Dance in a Drugstore.
Modern Poets Magazine Feb. 12, 2018. Dance in a Drugstore, Light in August, Requiem, Cloud Studies, and In the Necropolis. Shark Reef. Issue 31, Winter 2018. Farewell, My Homeland. Riverbabble. Issue 32, Winter 2018. Let the River Run Its Course, Light in August. Rag Queen Periodical. Feb. 7, 2018. She Tossed Her Head.
Review Americana,. Vol 12, Issue 2, Fall 2017. Navajo Race in the Canyon de Chelly. IthacaLit. Winter 2017. Earthly Paradise. Nature Writing. November 15, 2017. Fertile Earth.
Nature Writing. October 14, 2017. Eclipse.
Oddball Magazine. October 11, 2017. Farewell, My Homeland.
Nature Writing. October 7, 2017. Earthly Paradise.
Peacock Journal. October 2017. Let the River Run Its Course; Farewell, My Homeland; From One Thing to Another; Hawk Shabbat.
Naugatuck River Review. Issue 18, Summer/Fall 2017. Hawk Shabbat.
Panoply, A Literary Zine. August 2017. Lament.
The Write Place at the Write Time. Spring/Summer 2017.
Hawk Shabbat, Meditation, Heart Beat poems 10-12.
Bloodroot. Vol.9 Second Digital Edition, pp.18-19. Heart Beat, Losgelassenheit.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 6. Spring 2017. Earthly Paradise, Desecration.
Riverbabble. Vol. 31, Bloomsday June 16, 2017. Reprise, The Last Swim of Summer.
Feminine Collective.
June 18, 2017. Losgelassenheit.
Sick Lit Magazine, April 25, 2017.
Reprise, From One Thing to Another, Summer Interlude, An Exhibition, Hawk Shabbat.
Helen: A Literary Magazine, Issue 6, Spring 2017. Blessing VIII.
Feminine Collective, April 7, 2017. Lament.
Oddball Magazine, April 5, 2017. New Orleans.
Bearings online. March 29, 2017. New Orleans.
Spring 2017. Tides of the Body, Losgelassenheit, Anconeus and Popoliteus, Heart Beat, In the Necropolis.
Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine, issue #6. March 2017, pp. 29-31.
Fertile Earth, In the Necropolis, Lament.
Linden Avenue Literary Journal. No.58, March 2017. A Sisterly Confession.
Roanoke Review, Vol XLII, Winter 2017. Heart Beat, Meditation.
Gravel Literary Magazine. February 2017. Losgelassenheit.
Riverbabble Issue 30. Winter solstice, January 2017. Fertile Earth.
Review Americana, Fall 2016. Meditation.
Wraparound South. Winter/Spring 2017. She Tossed Her Head.
Peacock Journal. November 2016. The Last Swim of Summer, Earthly Paradise, Fresh Pond, In the Necropolis.
By&By Poetry. Issue 5. October 1, 2016.
Anconeus and Popliteus.
The Poeming Pigeon. The Poetry Box. Oct./Nov 2016 Vol 2, Issue 2. Blessing X.
The Write Place at the Write Time.
Fall/Winter 2016/2017. The Mask.
Oddball Magazine. August 31, 2016. Tides of the Body.
Sick Lit Magazine. August 25, 2016. LOL, The Desire for Revenge, Earthly Paradise.
Entropy. August 10, 2016. After the Apocalypse.
Riverbabble. Issue 29. Bloomsday 2016.
On Mackinac Bridge, Earthly Paradise.
The Literary Nest,
vol.2, issue 2. The “E-E-E-E-E-E’.
The Write Place at the Write Time. 8th anniversary issue, Summer 2016. One Summer Day on the Number One Train. (2nd poem)
Oddball Magazine. May 25, 2016. A Backward Glance.
Young Ravens Literary Review, Issue 4, Spring 2016. One Summer Day on the Number One Train, My Last Spring in My House and Garden, At the Ocean.
The Society of Classical Poets, April 13, 2016.
Mother and Child. Agave Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 2. Spring 2016.
Grout Pond.
By&By Poetry, Issue 3, Spring 2016.
The Secret, One Summer Day on the Number One Train.
The Greensilk Journal, Winter 2016.
A Fire in Winter (3rd poem).
Riverbabble, Issue 28. Winter Solstice 2016. Preserves, The “E-E-E-E-E-E”.
The Basil O’Flaherty. March 2016. My Last Spring in My House and Garden, A Few Things I Learned From My Mother-in-Law.
Ginosko Literary Journal, Vol.17, Winter 2015-16, pp.237-241.
Finitudes, Dust Motes, Elegy (for Wendy), A Backward Glance.
Cyclamens and Swords, Issue 23, December 2015.
The Mask, Elegy (for Wendy).
Review Americana. Vol. 10, Issue 2, Fall 2015.
My Last Spring in My House and Garden.
Gemini Magazine. November 2015. A Backward Glance.
Young Ravens Literary Review. Issue 3. Fall 2015.
After the Apocalypse.
The Write Room. November 2015. Grout Pond, Mothers of Suicides. Oddball Magazine.
November 11, 2015. The “E-E-E-E-E-E”.
Poetry Pacific. November 5, 2015. Winter Silence.
The Write Place at the Write Time. Autumn/Winter 2015. Grout Pond, My Last Spring in My House and Garden, Elegy (for Wendy), On Vacation.
(2nd poet) Works & Days Quarterly, No. 15, Summer 2015. Moving, Readings, Meteor Shower.
Handsy, June 30, 2015. Dust Motes.
NEAT, Issue 8, Spring 2015, p.26. After the Performance.
Riverbabble, Issue 27, Bloomsday 2015. Fires of Youth, An Afternoon Nap.
Agave Magazine, Vol 2, Issue 4, Spring 2015. Smoke and Fog.
Oddball Magazine, May 6, 2015. Finitudes.
Spring 2015. My Cuba.
The Write Place at the Write Time. 7th Anniversary Issue. Spring/Summer 2015, p.3-4. Luminescence.
The Front Porch Review, vol. 7, April 2015, One Step Ahead.
Riverbabble. Winter Solstice 2015.
Rasputin. March 2015. Preserves, Remembering Cora, After Irene, The Decisive Moment.
NEAT, Issue 7, Winter 2014-15, p.9. Finitudes.
The Front Porch Review, Vol.7, January 2015. Grout Pond.
Oddball Magazine, Jan. 6, 2015. My Cuba.
Manhattanville Review. Dec. 11, 2014. Mothers of Suicides.
Poplorish Old Growth Northwest, Fall 2014. Meteor Shower. Indian Review. September 2014. Life’s Continuous Chain, Calligraphies, Meteor Shower, One-Way Session, Smoke and Fog.
Works & Days Quarterly. No. 12, Autumn 2014. Twin Dancers.
Vine Leaves Literary Journal, No. 12, October 2014, p.10. Smoke and Fog.
Oddball Magazine. September 9, 2014.
One-Way Session.
Poetic Medicine. August 4, 2014.
Delete Delete.
The Front Porch Review. July 2014. Poet in New York.
Works & Days No. 11, Summer 2014. Smoke and Fog.
Songs of Eretz Poetry Review Special Feature. July 2014. Life’s Continuous Chain.
Riverbabble. Issue 25. Bloomsday 2014. My Father’s Photographs.
NEAT. Issue 3, Spring 2014. Wedding Silver.
The Thing Itself. vol. 41, Spring 2014.
Fires of Youth, Meteor Shower.
The Left Hand of the Father. January, 2014 Issue 4.
Calligraphies, Poet in New York.
Indian Love Call won Driftwood Press’ sonnet contest for National Poetry Month, April 2014.
Contrary Magazine, Spring 2014. Calligraphies.
Zingara Poet. April 3, 2014. Shadows.
The Front Porch Review, April 2014. Mother and Child.
NEAT, Issue 3, Winter 2013-14. After the Apocalypse, Less Impact, In Old England.
Your Daily Poem. January 25, 2014. Winter Silence.
Agave Magazine, Vol.1, Issue 2, Winter/Spring 2014. Poet in New York.
The Write Room. January 2014.
Meteor Shower,
An Afternoon Nap,
Autumn Light.
The Front Porch Review. January 2014. Regret.
Riverbabble. Issue 24, Winter Solstice 2013. After the Apocalypse.
Mason’s Road. Issue 8, January 2014. Calligraphies.
Lyric: A Literary Chorus.
Vol. 2, December 2013. Dear Friend.
Connotation Press. Issue IV, Vol V, December 2013. A Girl Who Fell in Love with an Island.
IthacaLit. Vol IV, no. V. December 2013. Glimpse of Glory.
Poetry Pacific. Nov. 5, 2013. Autumn Light.
Your Daily Poem, November 2, 2013. Zen Rider.
Works & Days. No. 8, Fall 2013. Blessing XVI and Blessing XXXI.
Hamilton Stone Review Issue 29, Fall 2013. Readings.
Saranac Review. Issue 9, Fall 2013. The Eye that Cries.
A Girl Who Fell in Love with an Island, Your Daily Poem, featured August 6, 2013.
Poetic Medicine, August 2013. Autumn Light.
Agave Magazine, Vol I, Issue I, Summer/Fall 2013. High Summer.
Northern Cardinal Review, July 25, 2013. High Summer.
Summer 2013. A Girl Who Fell in Love with an Island, pp. 14.
The Metric, Issue 5, Summer 2013. Shadows, p.50.
Review Americana,
Vol.8, Issue 1, Spring 2013. Calligraphies.
Decades Review. Issue 8. July 2013. Story of a Dress.
Bray Arts Journal, June 2013. Delete, Delete; A Few Things I Learned From My Mother-in-Law, A Girl Who Fell in Love with an Island, Fires of Youth, pp.4-5.
The Write Place at the Write Time, Spring 2013. One Step Ahead, Meteor Shower, Fires of Youth.
Riverbabble 23. Summer 2013. Dancing in Water, After the Performance.
The Stillwater Review.
Vol. 3, 2013. Nourishment.
Alabama Literary Review. Vol. 21. No. 1. 2012. Zen Rider.
Niche Literary Magazine. Vol. 3, 2013. Fertile Earth.
The Front Porch Review. Vol.5. April 2013. Nourishment.
Chagrin River Review. Issue 2. Spring 2013. Excavations.
Transient Publishing. Issue 3, Spring 2013. Moving, An Afternoon Nap. pp.17-18.
A Narrow Fellow: Journal of Poetry. Issue One. April 2013. Creativity, High Summer, Moving, Inspiration.
Poetic Medicine, February 2013.
A Girl Who Fell in Love with an Island.
Decades Review. Issue Six, January 2013. Delete, Delete; Moving.
pp. 3-4. Riverbabble, Issue 22. Winter 2013. The Eye that Cries, Story of a Dress.
The Front Porch Review. January 2013. High Summer.
The Buenos Aires Reader, December 9, 2012.
The Eye that Cries. Jerseyworks. Fall 2012. Contraries.
Boston Literary Magazine, Fall 2012. Story of a Dress.
Vermont Literary Review, XIV, 2012.
Blessing X.
The Write Room. September 2012. The Eye that Cries, Inspiration, Contraries.
Decades Review. Issue Four, July 2012. Scenes from California.
The Fieldstone Review. Issue 5, July 2012. Desecration.
The Front Porch Review, July, 2012. Scenes from California.
Riverbabble. Issue 21, Bloomsday, June 2012. The Decisive Moment, Before Rosh Hashanah.
Boston Literary Magazine, Summer 2012. After the Performance.
The Write Place at the Write Time, Spring 2012. Finitudes (pp. 14-15).
Granny Smith Magazine, Issue Two, June 2012. Dear Friend.
Granny Smith Magazine, Issue One, March 2012. Remembering Cora, Bad Witch/Good Witch.
Vine Leaves Literary Journal. Issue Two. April, 2012. After the Performance.
Resurrection Review. March 14, 2012.
Indian Love Call.
Avanim. Winter 2011-2012. Songs for the End of August, Remembering Cora, Preserves.
A Good Small Magazine, Issue 1, Jan. 2012. Blessing XV.
Scythe, Issue VII, Winter, 2012.
Preserves, Remembering Cora, After Irene, The Decisive Moment.
Decades Review. Issue Two, January 2012. Desecration.
Jerseyworks. Fall 2011. Room for Gift Wrapping, Optics.
Decades Review. Issue One. October 2011. Wish Fulfillment, After Irene.
The Front Porch Review. October 2011. Bad Witch/Good Witch.
Hamilton Stone Review. Issue 25, Fall 2011. The Raccoon, Optics.
Write Place at the Write Time. September, 2011.
Bad Witch/Good Witch, Snow Day.
Artists. Fall 2011. After
the Accident, Rose’s Dream,
Blessing XXXIV, Blessing XXXIX
Healthy Artists features Anne Whitehouse
The Linnet’s Wings. Summer 2011, p.32. Dancing in Water.
Issue 8, July 2011. Room
for Gift Wrapping and Dear Friend
Front Porch Review. July 2011. Dancing in Water.
Write Place at the Write Time. June 2011. Dancing
in Water (p.6), Tsunami Stone (p.7)
Medicine. June
2011. Age and Youth.
Write Room. May 2011. Wish
Spring 2011. Age
and Youth.
Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1, Issue 2, Spring 2011. Lightning
Green Silk Journal. February 2011. The
Medicine. February 2011. One
Sunday Morning. The
Write Room. January 2011. The
Interruption and The
Front Porch Review.
January 2011. Wounded
The Dead Mule School of
Southern Literature. January 2011.
Excavations, Desecration, Age and Youth.
Istanbul Literary
Review. Issue 18. September 2010. Water
for Living Waters. (scroll down to Whitehouse) September 2010. Desecration.
The View From
Here Magazine. Issue 26 (last page).
August 2010.
The Decisive Moment.
Yale Journal of Humanities
in Medicine. July 10, 2010. Rose’s
Islands Review, July 2010. Blessing
Dew on the Kudzu, April 10, 2010.
. Blue
Fifth Review, Winter 2010.
X (“I am keeping silent...”)
Mama. March 7, 2010. Claire
in a Swing
Americana. Fall 2009, Volume
2, Issue 4. New
Year’s Musings.
Confrontation. Issue
No. 105/106 Winter 2009/Spring 2010.
Tryst 3,
Issue 18, December, 2009. Rites
of Spring and The
Story of My Life.
21. December 9, 2009.
XI (“It is a blessing...”) and BLESSING XII (“The
Sixties people are growing old and dying...”)
Dream and After
the Accident, Pain
and Memory: Reflections on the Strength of the Human Spirit in Suffering, Gregory
F. Tague, ed. Brooklyn, NY: Editions
Bibliotekos, 2009.
Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. December 2009. Roses
in November, At the Winter Solstice, BLESSING XX (“One of the
last sunsets...”), Fire Light Prayer, New Year’s Musings.
Linnet's Wings. Fall 2009.
XIV ("The island sparkles in the sun...")
Humanist: A Magazine of Critical Inquiry and Social ConcernWashington,
DC. November/December 2009, 36
. Sixers Review.
Sixers Review, Issue Two, Fall 2009.
. Gemini
Magazine. August 2009.
and Child. Gander
Press Review. Spring/Summer
The Golden Lantern:
Poetry Through the Essence of Buddism and Taoism. Spring 2009.
Matrix Press online periodic letter. Vol. 7, Spring/Summer,
Gogh in Arles.
Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. February, 2009. Moon
and Sun in Yoga Class, Consolations, One Sunday Morning.
Brink Magazine. Vol,
II, no. 4, October 2008. Les Fleurs du Mal.
Fountain Vol.
35, Fall 2008.
Bay Vol. 10, no.2, May 2008. The
Earth’s Daughters no.72
Splinters and Fragments, 2008. Curse
Niederngasse (featured selection, January/February 2008) Choices
Apprehend You.
2River, Fall 2007. Curses
Adagio Verse Quarterly, Winter 2007. Curse
III, Curse
Southern Hum, Vol 2, issue 1, Fall 2006. Eight poems from Blessings
and Curses. Southern Hum, vol 2, issue 4, Summer, 2007. Eight more poems
from Blessings
and Curses.
The Oklahoma Review, Vol.8, issue1, Spring 2007. Blessing
The Bergen Street Review, April 5, 2007. The
Age Advances on Her, My
Life at Fifty,
from Bear in Mind, Snow
Monkey, vol 18, 2007
Brave Little Poem of the Day, June 21-23, 2007. Curse
IV. Poems Niederngasse, Issue #74, May/June 2005. Sometimes,
an excerpt from Bear In Mind
Amarillo Bay vol. 9, no. 3, August, 2007. Livy's
Horses, Change
of Life.
Brave Little Poem of the Day, August, 2007. Blessing
Saranac Review. Spring/Summer 2008. Curse
from Blessings and Curses.
Phantasmagoria, vol. 7, no. 1 2007. Blessing
Ballard Street Poetry Journal, Summer 2007. Claire
in a Swing. Confrontation,
Greenvale, NY No. 98/99 Spring/Summer 2007.
Blessing XXV.